Products Liability

Products Liability Attorneys

Tens of thousands of people are harmed every year by defective products. The injuries sustained in these cases can be severe, and can arise in almost any situation, from dangerous toys to drug recalls. If an unsafe product has harmed you or your loved one, you deserve compensation. The lawyers of Boles Holmes White LLC can help make sure the responsible manufacturers and sellers of the harmful product are held accountable, and get you the financial compensation you deserve.

Makers and Sellers of Danger

There are several types of products liability claims. Automotive or tire defects, unsafe baby equipment, defective tools or safety equipment, and mechanical equipment form the basis of thousands of lawsuits every year. Defective or entirely absent warning labels can also form the basis of a lawsuit, where an adequate warning would have prevented the injury you needlessly suffered. Manufacturers and sellers cannot simply put dangerous and harmful products into the marketplace with impunity. However, it is up to you to hold them accountable for the products they sell.

There are two ways to win a products liability case. One way is to bring a claim of negligence against the manufacturer for failing to provide a well-designed and reasonably safe product. The other is to prove that the product had an unreasonably dangerous defect that caused the injury. Such defect may have been caused in the product’s design, during its manufacture, or during shipping and handling. If this can be proved, the manufacturer or distributor face strict liability.

The attorneys of Boles Holmes White LLC have the skills, experience and expertise to handle your products defect claim successfully and obtain the best possible outcome.   If you have a products liability claim, time is a factor. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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